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Hindu Foundation has envisioned a gamut of cultural and religion-based activities for building a sense of spiritual well-being to foster community spirit and fulfill it’s responsibilities to the wider Hindu Community.

Our Vision is to create an environment of peace and brotherhood (which is at the heart of the Hindu way of life) that results in a wider community engagement. We want to promote the wellbeing of all Hindus and work for all purposes that are beneficial to the Hindu community by raising awareness about the philosophy, principles, practices and traditions of Dharma in New Zealand. Dharma is the eternal ‘law of being’ and the core of human values that governs our daily lives.


Our Mission is to integrate the efforts of Hindus and represent the wider Hindu community in New Zealand on policy matters and delivery of services at an administrative level for achieving better social outcomes for the Hindu community.

About Us:

HINDU FOUNDATION NZ INC (HFNZ) is a not for profit Organisation working towards creating awareness about accurate understanding of Hindus, Hinduism, Hinudtva and the Hindu culture in NZ inspired by our ancient phiosophical and spiritual principles to promote dignity, mutual respect & pluralism.

HFNZ is motivated by the passion for a deeper involvement and contribution to the NZ community and focuses on advocating for policies and practices that ensure the well-being of all mankind based on “Vasudev Kutumbakam” (Universal Brotherhood of all living beings) and to champion issues of concern for Hindus in Aoteoroa, including defending civil and human rights and protection of all living beings by providing a platform. We aim to enable Hindus to have a greater participation in educational, cultural and socio-religious activities by contributing towards the development of the wider communities within New Zealand .